Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Visits Abbotsford House and The John Buchan Museum in the Scottish Borders. (VIDEOS)

QEII1On Wednesday, July 3, 2013, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II arrived in Roxburgh in the Scottish Borders to officially reopen Abbotsford House, the former home of the late writer and poet, Sir Walter Scott.

According to the Scotsman newspaper, Abbotsford House was closed for two years and the total cost for much needed renovations cost £12 million.

Her Majesty also visited the John Buchan Museum in Peebles. According to the Associated Press Her Majesty “…met with members of the Buchan family before touring the museum to view exhibits and meet staff…”

For more information about today’s events as well as to watch videos please click here,  here and here.

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News report about Abbotsford House