TRH Crown Prince Philippe and Crown Princess Mathilde Hold A Reception at the Royal Palace in Brussels.


TRH Princess Mathilde and Prince Philippe of Belgium held a lovely  reception at the royal palace in Brussels for the Council of the Chairmen of Business Europe.

It’s not a flashy fun event that I usually am interested in, but I thought I would start reporting more about this kind of boring couple for those who may be interested in their activities.

Photo courtesy of Daylife by Mark Renders.

HSH Prince Albert of Monaco and his Fiancee, Charlene Wittstock, Attend the International Forum for Peace and Sport!

Well, there she is!  There is Charlene!!   She looks great!  Very elegant!!

Okay, so about this event.

The engaged couple made another appearance this evening, December 2, 2010, at the 4th Annual International Forum for Peace and Sport Gala dinner. Never heard of this organization?  Yeah, neither have I.

Any way, the couple along with hundreds of attendees gathered together for a lavish dinner in Monaco.  Earlier in the evening Prince Albert attended the opening of the Christmas village in Monaco.  Why he didn’t allow Charlene to attend remains a mystery.

Dressed in a long black body hugging gown, Charlene looked quite happy and relaxed.

Prince Albert, well, he’s quite unfortunate looking… in my opinion.  But, at least he’s losing that extra poundage he’s been carrying around for years.  I suppose being engaged really is a motivation to lose weight.  Let’s hope he keeps it off.

Photos courtesy of Daylife by  Francois Durand.

HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco does Something Mildly Interesting Today

This evening in tiny ass Monaco, where the rich and sleazy party their`Okoles (Hawaiian word for ‘Butts’) off, HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco decided that he was in a festive mood and he wanted to share it with the working people of Monaco (actually those who serve and work in Monaco don’t actually live there.  They either live in  Beausoleil or some other cutesy village with cobblestone streets and stuff.)

The not-so dashing Sovereign prince of Monaco allowed people to shake his hand whilst staring at his bald head during his brief visit to the inauguration of the Christmas village in Monaco.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves for this photo-op, but many were wondering, “Where is Charlene?”

I guess she couldn’t make it for some reason; however, she did attend another event with Princess Stephanie the day before.  How nice.

Photos courtesy of RD.

Crown Prince Felipe and Crown Princess Letizia of Asturias in Pamplona, Spain

TRH Crown Prince Felipe and Crown Princess Letizia of Spain were in Pamplona, Spain today.  The purpose of the reception and dinner:

…the aim of providing a reception AN Coop Group, Navarre cooperative grouping 137 cooperatives representing more than 23,000 Spanish farmers, due to the centennial of its founding.

Sounds like fun.  Nevertheless, Crown Princess Letizia look amazing even though her haters would say otherwise.

Photos courtesy of Espana Press.  Gracias!

Celebration of HM King Kalakaua’s birthday at I’olani Palace

On November 16, 2010 I’olani Palace had a royal birthday to celebrate.  His Majesty King Kalakaua’s birthday that is.

The royal guards marched in front of his amazing palace, centered in downtown Honolulu, as Prince David Kawananakoa and Princess Regina Kawananakoa looked on from the palace balcony.  Even though the Hawaiian monarchy ceased to exist on January 17, 1893, thanks to the illegal overthrow, descendants of the royal Hawaiian bloodline are still respected and dearly loved by the people of Hawaii.

Reviewing of the guard. Permission of use pending from I’olani Palace.

HM King Kalakaua, also known as the Merrie Monarch, would have been 174 years young.

If you ever have a chance to visit Oahu I highly recommend that you take a day to visit I’olani Palace.  It is an amazing place.

I’olani Palace
Hawaiian Monarchy Coat of Arms. Author’s own photo.

More information, history, and news about Hawaii and its former monarchy to come soon.  So stay tuned!

Welcome to The Royal Correspondent!

Good Afternoon fellow royal watchers and casual peeps who happen to stumble upon this new blog by sheer accident!

Welcome to The Royal Correspondent!

The purpose of The Royal Correspondent is to share daily news, information, gossip, and of course fashion from the various royal houses around the world for an American audience.  We will provide you the royal news they way it should be: Unbiased, upfront, and when warranted a little snark thrown in the mix.  There are many blogs out there dedicated to one or perhaps two specific royal houses; however, this blog will hopefully be different.

The Royal Correspondent (TRC) will focus on the Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and  Spanish Royal houses, the Grand Ducal House of Luxembourg, as well as the Princely Houses of Monaco and Liechtenstein.   Non-reigning houses from Germany, France, and Hawaii will also be discussed.  But don’t fret, dear royal watchers, occasionally we will report on the daily happenings with the British Royal Family.

With TRC you will be able to read daily news articles that are translated into English along with photos as well as videos.  Every Friday, starting November 26, 2010, there will be a weekly fashion review entitled This Week in Royal Fashion. It is a weekly wrap-up of all the hits and misses from the royals.  From time to time we will also review various books from biographies to historical fiction.  Starting January 2011 TRC will debut it’s very own You Tube channel and bi-weekly Podcast via iTunes!

More will be added to The Royal Correspondent in regards to content so stay tuned!


All the latest news and events from monarchies around the world.