Celebration of HM King Kalakaua’s birthday at I’olani Palace

On November 16, 2010 I’olani Palace had a royal birthday to celebrate.  His Majesty King Kalakaua’s birthday that is.

The royal guards marched in front of his amazing palace, centered in downtown Honolulu, as Prince David Kawananakoa and Princess Regina Kawananakoa looked on from the palace balcony.  Even though the Hawaiian monarchy ceased to exist on January 17, 1893, thanks to the illegal overthrow, descendants of the royal Hawaiian bloodline are still respected and dearly loved by the people of Hawaii.

Reviewing of the guard. Permission of use pending from I’olani Palace.

HM King Kalakaua, also known as the Merrie Monarch, would have been 174 years young.

If you ever have a chance to visit Oahu I highly recommend that you take a day to visit I’olani Palace.  It is an amazing place.

I’olani Palace
Hawaiian Monarchy Coat of Arms. Author’s own photo.

More information, history, and news about Hawaii and its former monarchy to come soon.  So stay tuned!

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