The Gold (Music) Room at I’olani Palace in Hawai’i is Finally Restored and Now Open to the Public!

Well, after years of restoration and hunting down valuable personal items from the Hawaiian monarchy the Gold (Music) Room at I’olani Palace is finally done.

The public will be able to have their chance to view some amazing pieces within the Gold Room starting today on April 18, 2011.   KITV news has a report about this re-opening of the Gold Room so please click the link here to watch.

To learn more about I’olani Palace please click the link here.  To learn more about the ongoing palace restoration and other items that are still missing (they would like to have back, thank you very much) please click the links here and here.  

Palace objects sold and dispersed at public auction have been recovered from 36 states and 4 foreign countries — from porcelain plates returned from Australia, and a table found in the Governor’s mansion in Iowa, to a chair in a local thrift store. The quest to find original Palace furnishings and artifacts continues. Many original furnishings are still missing. (I\’olani Palace)

Photos:  Author’s own.

Belgian and Spanish Royals to Attend the Beatification of the Late Pope John Paul II

According to the Belgian online newspaper,, T.M.s King Albert II and Queen Paola of Belgium will attend the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II on May 1, 2011.  Also, T.R.H.s Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia of Asturias will attend on behalf of the Spanish royal family, according to the newspaper, Rome Reports.

It is unknown at this time if other members of various royal and princely houses will attend, such as Luxembourg and Monaco, but I have a feeling the latter two houses will confirm in the next few days so stay tuned.

To view a video report regarding the royal attendance please click the link:  Video

For more information about the beatification of the late Pope John Paul II please click the links here  and  here.

Source: Rome Repors and