Their Highnesses Hereditary Prince Hubertus and Hereditary Princess Kelly of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Host a Christmas Reading at Schloss Callenberg.

HKSCGOn Sunday, December 9, 2012, Their Highnesses Hereditary Prince Hubertus and Hereditary Princess Kelly of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha hosted a fantastic Christmas gathering and reading at Schloss Callenberg in Coburg, Germany.

A rough translation — sorry about that   🙂  — regarding Sunday’s event per Infranken:

“There is something special about being read a story by a Princess. Originally from the United States of America Hereditary Princess Kelly, wife of Hereditary Prince Hubertus of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, had opted for “The Night Before Christmas” – a story that was read to her by her mother at Christmas time. ‘In America we celebrate Christmas that is only on the morning of December 25 …’ she told the children who listened spellbound throughout the reading.  

But, it was on this Sunday afternoon at Schloss Callenberg yes especially to the mood and atmosphere. And, that was in the first edition of “Christmas Magic” that was magnificent. Hereditary Prince Hubertus had invited many families to the schloss for the reading.  The guests also brought their sleighs to ride down the adjacent slope. The prince and princess also sang Christmas carols with the visitors, made stars out of construction paper and decorated the big Christmas tree on the main floor. 

In the Red Salon at the schloss there were cookies and tea, coffee and cake. The children played numerous games that were available to them. Of course, the opportunity was also used to get a closer look around the fascinating schloss. 

The main attraction was then the reading of Christmas stories. Hereditary Prince Hubertus also read about the history of Rudolph, the Red Nose Reindeer. Then, he surprised the children and their families with an appearance by Santa Claus. 

Really beautiful and a real change was a significant spread of peace and quiet on the first floor of the schloss. Christmas is the time but more often marked by hectic rush and bustle of the greatest, so managed the prince and princess with the event, which was aimed primarily at families, a real counter-proposal. Instead of consumer and commercial Christmas spirit and Christmas anticipation was the focus. The visitors enjoyed the time and the atmosphere at the beautiful schloss was clear. Even though the heavy snow and the correspondingly difficult road conditions on Sunday afternoon certainly deterred some visitors from coming to schloss Prince Hubertus showed in the end, very pleased with the première. The prince also happily announced that the “Magic of Christmas” at Schloss Callenberg will be repeated every year.

All proceeds from the Christmas event will benefit the Sterntaler Coburg which supports disadvantaged children in the region.”

2 thoughts on “Their Highnesses Hereditary Prince Hubertus and Hereditary Princess Kelly of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Host a Christmas Reading at Schloss Callenberg.”

  1. Any news on the faux DK princess and her decorated trees? Can’t remember her name for the life of me. The one dating Princess Ben’s son.

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