Tag Archives: Wallis Simpson

Edward VIII, Wallis Simpson, and the Abdication: Two Documentaries

Either you love or hate them, but you cannot deny the story of Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson is a fascinating one. Nevertheless, here is a documentary about their relationship, the abdication, and so on.

Click the links to watch:  Part One and Part Two 

Finally, here is another documentary entitled, Abdication: A Very British Coup.

Edward VIII: A Documentary about the Edward, Duke of Windsor

Besides His Majesty King George III, King Richard III, and Queen Elizabeth I, the history of Edward, Duke of Windsor has always fascinated me.  Any way, here is an eleven part biased documentary entitled, Edward VIII: The Traitor King. Enjoy!

Here is a clip whereupon Edward, Duke of Windsor recalls his first encounter with his soon-to-be wife, Wallis Simpson.  Click to watch:  Duke and Duchess of Windsor

The Duke and Duchess of Windsor at the Queen Mary Memorial Unveiling in 1967.

Finally, if you have never read the book, A King\’s Story by HRH The Duke of Windsor I highly recommend you do.

The Duchess of Windsor’s Clothing to be Auctioned on March 17, 2011

On March 17, 2011, Wallis, The Duchess of Windsor’s clothing as well as purses will be auctioned off through Kerry Taylor Auctions “…in conjunction with Sotheby’s…” and will be held at the La Galleria in London, England.  There are thirty-five items up for auction which include a Louis Vuitton vanity case, an Alligator purse, Anglisano crocodile shoes, and a bunch of clothing.

Per the Daily Mail newspaper:

Wallis’s clothes were in mint condition. She was obsessed with everything being perfect. Almost every item in the auction is stamped with her identity as a Duchess, even the bath mats. And her negligees. One fascinating item in the auction is a tortoiseshell dressing set, circa 1928, inlaid with the initials WSW in gilt.

Wallis was trapped in a gilded cage, the couple didn’t have children, she was banished by polite society, there was nothing much for her to do. ‘And so she went shopping,’ says Taylor.

‘She would change her outfit several times a day. Her hairdresser came every day. When she rose in the morning, her sheets were removed, pressed and put back in time for her afternoon nap.’

What Wallis wore always made headlines. ‘She was the first style icon,’ says Kerry. ‘She experimented, she loved clothes, and she moved with the times.’

All proceeds from this auction will go to the Dodi al-Fayed International Charitable Foundation.

To learn more about the auction please click the link:  Kerry Taylor Auctions To view some of the items please click the link below.

Source: Daily Mail