The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge: Their Last Day in L.A.

On July 10, 2011, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are scheduled to leave Los Angeles at 3:15pm, but before they do the couple will have two important events to attend to.

First, the royal duo attended a reception for Tusk Trust; then it was off to visit the youth at Inter-City Arts, “… a non-profit arts academy near Skid Row in downtown L.A.” where they will interact with the staff and youth for sometime.  Click here to watch the video.

Then the couple will leave and head on over to Sony Studios in Culver City to attend:

…a job fair for returning U.S. service men and women… The Royal Couple will also join a service project to create 1,000 care packages for military children, as well as attend a special reception for supporters and champions of the cause.

If you are interested in watching the Duke and Duchess’s events live you may do so by clicking these links here and/or here  beginning at 11:30am Los Angeles time.

To view photos from today’s events please click the links here herehere and here.

Source: NBCLA

Photo courtesy of: Reuters/Alex Gallardo